Here are a number of tracks and bridleways that are more suitable for mountain bikes. Most are quite short and will need to be incorporated in longer routes, my ‘Routes’ page includes some of these.
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This is a short lane from Worsted lane off the A22 to Homestall road, Ashurst Wood. Mainly hard surface but a couple of sections on the lower part get muddy after wet weather as the track crosses a spring line. From Worsted lane it’s quite wide but care needs to be taken for other users.

Highams Wood
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Start is along Cansiron lane out of Ashhurst Wood, follow the lane until the Telecom/TV tower and bear right down the bridleway, the first part is quite narrow with some erosion in the centre giving a challenging ride down, it then opens out with views across the Medway valley before going throght Ashdown farm and onto a surfaced lane, just before the bridge take a small path on the left which brings you out onto the Forest Way.
Download file for GPSA nice section of downhill along a sunken bridleway some loose stones and small drops.
Download file for GPSA nice bridleway through woods and across a couple of meadows can be ridden either way beware of gates if going downhill fast! A glimpse of Bolebrook castle can be glimpsed at the SE end of the track. . Henry VIII is said to have stayed at Bolebroke when he went hunting for wild boar and deer in nearby Ashdown Forest